money is such a hassle - part 2

So after some "extensive" research, I decided to apply for the Capital One Venture card. Although its reward system is pretty poor (1.25 miles for every $1 spent), this card is AWESOME for overseas spending. I used their site's customer support chat to ask some questions about fees and it turns out that they do not charge any fees for foreign currency transactions. Perfect!! Plus, they have no annual fee (something I definitely require of ALL of my credit cards) and the interest rate is relatively low.

I really only plan on using this card for travels outside of the U.S. so it works out for me. They also have a pretty user-friendly online banking system, which is nice. It takes about two weeks for them to process and ship out your card though, so plan ahead.

Also, a little fyi for Chase Bank users, I called and found out that you can get foreign currency exchanged with NO FEES! I have yet to see this in action, but that's pretty sweet. But beware that you need to give them two days notice so they can have it ready for you.
